
Mike Williams

Owner, Lead Creative and Strategist

Mike’s love for people and passion for their dreams is most obvious when he is helping them bring their visions to life. He has a knack for taking the ideas and visions you have in your head, drawing them out and laying them out in a beautifully visual way that communicates your story and love for your customers. Mike has a Master’s Degree in Arts Technology where he studied how/why people engage with technology and the potential for greater impact that technology can have on people.

He is a committed life-long learner who easily masters any new skill he puts his mind to. Mike loves seeing how all areas of creativity and media come together to create a cohesive story.

Kristin Williams

Owner, Operations Manager

Kristin is a dreamer who has the uncanny ability to make friends wherever she goes. She is an entrepreneur at heart, having received her degree in Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management. One of her top strengths is looking to the future and envisioning what could be and how to get there. She loves supporting and encouraging small business owners, both startups and seasoned veterans, to continue to evolve and become even more authentic to their brand and goals.

Kristin is the one who keeps your project organized and is probably the first person you will talk to when you contact LiveSideMedia! She loves seeing entrepreneurs make their dreams a reality.

Aaron Bean

Associate Photographer and Videographer

Aaron is one of those guys you just can’t help but love. A self proclaimed Apple and Tesla fanatic, he loves staying on top of the latest tech trends and letting them inspire him in his work. With a degree in Communication, Aaron is well versed in creating content that doesn’t just speak to your audience but actually makes them want to engage.

Web presence and social media is one of the key marketing strategies for any business, small and large alike. Aaron’s creative endeavor has one goal - to produce engaging content through photos and videos that make people share, double tap or swipe right (in non-social media talk that means people love your content and further your reach)!